mealtime shortcuts

7 Effective Time-Saving Mealtime Shortcuts for Busy Homeschool Mamas

Being a homeschool mama is a fulfilling and rewarding journey, but it can also be overwhelming and exhausting, especially when it comes to managing mealtime. With the added responsibilities of completing curriculum, work, household chores, and taking care of the kids, finding time to cook healthy meals for the family can feel like a daunting task. But don’t worry, I’ve been there, and I’m here to share some effective time-saving mealtime shortcuts that have transformed my meal-prep game and made cooking for my family of five much more manageable.

1. Meal Planning and Grocery Orders

One crucial strategy that has saved me from the chaos of mealtime is meal planning. By sitting down once a week and planning out what my family will be eating for the entire week, I eliminate the stress of not knowing what to cook every day. This also allows me to order groceries in advance, avoiding over-purchasing and saving time at the grocery store. With a clear plan in hand, I know exactly what ingredients I need, and grocery shopping becomes a breeze.

2. Make a Meal Prep List

After meal planning, I make a list of all the tasks that need to be done before cooking the meals. This includes washing and chopping vegetables for snacks and salads, prepping ingredients for recipes, making sauces or dressings, etc. By doing these tasks beforehand, I save a significant amount of time when it comes to whipping up dinner on busy weekdays.

3. Do a Kitchen Restock on Grocery Day

Once I bring home the groceries, I take some time to restock my refrigerator and pantry. This means looking through the shelves and getting rid of anything that has expired or is no longer needed. It also involves organizing my pantry so that frequently used items are easily accessible. This way, when I need something for a recipe, I don’t waste time searching for it.

4. Decant Your Most-Used Foods

Ever spent way too much time trying to get the last bit of sauce out of a bottle or jar? I have, and it’s frustrating! That’s why I now decant my most-used foods, such as ketchup, mayonnaise, and sauces, into small containers. This saves me time and effort, and also keeps my fridge clutter-free.

5. Avoid Over-Buying

One of the biggest struggles of grocery shopping is over-buying. It’s easy to get carried away by all the tempting products on shelves or end up buying more than you need. To avoid this, I stick to my meal plan and only purchase what I know I will use during the week. This not only saves time but also reduces food waste.

6. Have a Set Prep Time

Another game-changer in my mealtime routine has been setting aside a specific day or time for meal prep. For me, this is usually Sundays, but it can differ for everyone depending on their schedule. Having a designated time for meal prep allows me to get ahead of the game and have some meals partially or fully prepared for the busy weekdays ahead.

7. Double and Freeze Meals

Last but not least, one of the best time-saving shortcuts for mealtime is doubling recipes and freezing meals. Whenever I make a recipe that freezes well, I make extra and store it in the freezer for busy days when I don’t have time to cook. This not only saves me time, but it also ensures that my family is eating healthy even on hectic days.

Managing mealtime doesn’t have to be overwhelming and time-consuming. With these effective mealtime shortcuts, you too can streamline your meal-prep routine and spend less time in the kitchen without sacrificing health for convenience. So say goodbye to mealtime stress and hello to more time spent homeschooling.

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