If you’re considering homeschooling in Kentucky, you will need to do so under the private school statute. Here’s what you need to know about Kentucky homeschool laws:
Notify the Board of Education
Every school year, within the first two weeks, you must send a private school notice of attendance to your local board of education. This notice should list the names, ages, and addresses of the students attending your school.
Keep Attendance and Scholarship Reports
You must maintain attendance and scholarship reports similar to those of public schools. Typically, these reports should be updated every six to nine weeks, depending on your district’s schedule.
Teach for the Required Number of Days
You must provide your child with at least 1,062 hours of instruction over a minimum of 170 days.
Teach the Required Subjects in English
Your homeschool curriculum must include reading, writing, spelling, grammar, history, mathematics, science, and civics, and instruction should be in English.